
Children’s Art – Works for Peace.

Tūmanako, meaning ‘Hope’ in te reo Māori, is a children’s art exhibition based on the theme of peace.

Tūmanako is a community visual art project led by local volunteers to support schools in the area to participate in giving tamariki and rangitahi a chance to voice their aspirations for peace. Tūmanako was born out of commemorating Hiroshima Day in August and redetermining for a world that is nuclear free.

Since 2015 Tūmanako events have been taking place across Aotearoa. 2023 will mark the first year that Tāhuna, Queenstown, will host an event. Watch this space for more details. 

Check out more about Tūmanako’s history and background.

“Children are not distractions from more important work, they are the most important work.”

CS Lewis

A Tūmanako Children’s Art starting point:

In some places in the world, countries are at war with one another. This is very frightening for the people living in those countries.

Imagine what a peaceful world would look like. People would not have to fight each other and everyone would feel safe.

If we can make our class and our school peaceful, think about how we could help to make the world peaceful…